$20.00 USD

Every month

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The Film Room

Stream every course, challenge, guide and meditation + all future additions

What you'll get:

  • Mental Greatness Blueprint + 90% FT Shooter courses
  • 21-Day Shooting Confidence + 7-Day Basketball Meditation challenges
  • The BMT How-To Guide Collection
  • Meditation Vault (every BMT meditation ever created, ad-free, including exclusive meditations not found anywhere else)
  • All future material
  • BMT Private Community to connect with other like-minded hoopers

The Film Room is billed monthly, you can cancel at any time.

What People Are Saying:

Joining Basketball Mindset Training has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. The membership access has been a game-changer, offering a wealth of resources and materials that I continually tap into for inspiration and improvement. I highly recommend it to any athlete looking to elevate their game and mental toughness.

- Coach Adam T.

Anyone who truly embraces the power of this platform will not just become a better basketball player, but also a better human being.

- Leo. O

Demetri is a great mindset trainer who knows his stuff! His meditations have helped me relax and control myself more during games and practice! He'll definitely help you improve your mental game as well!

- Chase M.